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October 2, 2003

CAST/CREW: CAST El Gallo Ben Wilkerson Luisa Mary Elizabeth Larson Matt Blake Staples Hucklebee Billy Worboys Bellomy Martin Meyer Henry Richard Gaugh Mortimer Tommy Rhoads The Mute Renee Brooks CREW Director Billy Worboys Assistant Director/Stage Mgr Lindsay Mitchell Music Director/Keyboard Steve Taranto Choreography Renee Brooks Scenic Design/Graphics Billy Worboys Scenic Painting Toni Kuhn, Scott Conley Scenic Construction Billy Worboys, Blake Staples Props/Set Dressing Roxanne Rhoads, Toni Kuhn, Lindsay Mitchell Lights/Sound Design Terry Bivens Costumes Becky Fly, Steve Taranto Backstage Crew Quincy Rhoads, Leah Beth Bolton, Carl Seely House Manager Katie Raper Tickets/Box Office Don & Maria Mitchell, Kristen McKenney Special Thanks Glenda Baker, Madison Academic Drama Dept., Tim Irby Photography, Union University Theatre Dept., The Jackson Sun, 101.5 FM, WBBJ, FM 104.1 WTNV, First Presbyterian Church, Pat Alford-JRPD, Signs First, Kristin Mitchell, Scott Anderson
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Ordinary people. Extraordinary shows.

Jackson Theatre Guild

314 E. Main 

P.O. Box 7041



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