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December 13, 2001

CAST/CREW: CAST George Bailey Kevin Bryant Clarence Odbody Bret Scott Mr. Gower Rick Stevens Young George Grant Pritchard Harry Bailey Jefferson Jones Mother Bailey Diann Robinson Aunt Tilly Kristen McKenney Violet Peterson Lindsey Smalley Bert Richard Williams Ernie Jimmy Hoppers Uncle Billy Martin Meyer Mary Hatch Joy Spurlin Henry F. Potter Joe Hammonds Mr. Potter's Secretary Amanda McFarland Mrs.Hatch Gloria Duncan Sam Wainwright William Ide Miss Andrews Lindsay Mitchell Mrs.Thompson Molly Williams Mr.Martini Terry Wallace Mrs. Martini Cristy Thomas Miss Carter Sally Wright Paper Boy Grant Wallace Pete Bailey Sidney Bumgasser Tommy Bailey Joe Jordan White Zuzu Bailey Bailey Nicole Howell Janie Bailey Elizabeth Ide Mr.Welch Jarrod Taylor CREW Director Billy Worboys Assistant to the Director Mari West 2nd Assistant Lauren Pritchard Makeup/Hair Design Cristy Thomas, Joy Spurlin, Molly Williams Set Design Billy Worboys Set Construction/Scene Painting Scott Conley, Lindsay Mitchell, Kristin Mitchell, Thomas Voss, Jimmy Hoppers, Kevin Bryant, Don Mitchell, William Ide, Rick Stevens, Terry Wallace, Diann & John Robinson, Tim Prltchard, Joe Hammonds,Jerry Kesterson, Kristen McKenney, Billy Worboys Stage Manager Mari West Backstage Assistants Brittney, Chelsey & Stephanie Morrison, Kristin Mitchell Costumes Becky Fly, Margaret Morrison, Lori Bryant, Crlsty Thomas Props Margaret Morrison, Becky Fly Lighting Design Terry Bivens House Manager Katie Raper Lobby Decoration Ivy Morford, Mary Hammer, Marla Mitchell SPECIAL THANKS: Don & Marla Mitchell, Yesterday's Antiques, Lambuth Theatre, JCM Theatre, Union University Theatre, Pat Brown School of Dance, Matt Worboys, The Jackson Sun, NewsTalk 101.5, Bubba's Bagels, Davis-Kidd Booksellers and Cafe, King Jewelers, Younger Associates, Doug Watts, Westwin, Q 102, Jim Glover/Humboldt High School, Leslie Cooper, TRTV, Employment Benefit Solutions, Jackson Photo Supply
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Ordinary people. Extraordinary shows.

Jackson Theatre Guild

314 E. Main 

P.O. Box 7041



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